Monday, November 17, 2014

Two baptisms set for Saturday!

So this week has been crazy with J***'s he is actually
going to be baptized this Saturday the 22nd. Don't ask why because no
one has time for that story! Hahaaa. But everything is great and J***
is wonderful! I just can't wait until their family is sealed!!!! AHHH!
M**** is the cutest thing ever. She is a little fashionista! Her dad
told us she had gotten dressed for church and was wearing leopard
print leggings, black boots, a long sparkly black shirt and a leather
jacket...she is 9!! Hahaaaa....they made her change! She is so excited
for her baptism on Saturday! I am super excited to see the outfit she
puts together!!!
We didn't get to see H**** (our 97 year old investigator) this week
because she had family visiting.
I promise we visit a lot more people but updating you on all of them
would take all day. So just know that I'm busy and being busy is the
best thing as a missionary! "Work, work, work. There is no
satisfactory substitute"!!
Yesterday we ate with a family and we were sharing a message about
having faith and the little boy said "Faith is believing in something
that you can't see" and the little girl said "like fairies"!
hahahahaaa. Never fear, I am never bored.
I should start writing down the funny things that happen  so my emails
aren't so boring!
This morning we saw a man running with his dog and he had the leash
and his coffee mug in the same hand and the dog jerked and the coffee
splashed out and all I could think of was the movie Ten Things I Hate
About You when the guy shouts "That was Costa Rican butthead!"
Obviously I am still working on having a missionary filter! Hahaaa
I am so blessed to be a missionary and to have such wonderful support.
I love you all so much!!! Have a great week.

I was so lucky this week to get even more birthday presents!
Thank you Amanda for my chocolate package all the way from England!!!!!

Thank you Nieslanik family for my card and scarf! You know how I love
scarves!!!! :)

Utah snowed last Saturday! First snow of the season!

Our first hot chocolate of the season! Hahaaa

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