As of yesterday I have officially been in the mission field for TWO MONTHS!
So as I mentioned last week, I ran into a little cold and it wiped me
out for the majority of the week. If colds aren't bad enough at home,
they are even worse on missions! But I received a priesthood blessing
and we we still able to manage a few lessons!
L**** is my saving grace! She is such a giving and hard working little
lady. We had a lesson with her about God giving us strength and I
shared Alma 26:11-12. She talked about how the Lord should always come
first and then your family and then everything else. She shared that
life is nothing unless you have people to share what you love with! I
just love her! She didn't make it to church yet but she did go to the
ward function and she chatted with a lot of the ward members :)
B*** was a busy man this week with work but we did talk to him on the
phone. His son was in town this weekend so we'll meet with him next
T**** is a new investigator. He has taken the discussions before and
wants his grandchildren to be baptized. He is great and we taught him
the first lesson last week and we have an appointment with him for
tomorrow so keep him in your prayers that it goes well! may have noticed that the only investigators we get are of the
male gender...we wouldn't want to break that tradition so in our
mid-singles 7th ward we have a new investigator named T****! He is
awesome! He used to be in the army and is all tatted up and said he
feels a little judged by Mormons but he is ready for a change in his
life and gets a good feeling being at church! We have an appointment
scheduled with him tomorrow! Keep him in your prayers :)
So today the sweet S********* girls are going to paint our nails! I am
so excited...I will take pictures for you to see the end results! I
love you all. The gospel is the truest thing ever. I love our Heavenly
Father and Jesus Christ. Being a missionary is the greatest blessing
in my life!
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